
Dig deeper and deeper to get gold. Avoid the goblins on the way!

Try to collect as much gold as possible.


Movement: Mouse, point and click
Place trap: 1, 2 and 3
Pause: ESC
Materials: Materials are gained by destroying blocks
Traps/Barricade: Traps/Barricade are placed on the dwarfs current position
Gold: Gold blocks must be destroyed to get gold (Duh!). The gold will be added to your score
Goblins: Goblins dont like you. Avoid them!


Dwoblins was created for the ludum dare 48 gamejam in around 27 hours work time.

This was my first gamejam and (barely)finished game in general.

Just ignore the bugs ;)

Hope you enjoy!


- Added downloadable version since the WebGl has some problems with the canvas size.


Dwoblins_Windows_1.0.zip 22 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Unzip
  3. Run Dwoblins.exe

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